
Meet Your Trainer

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” – Benjamin Franklin

Change is slow. It is difficult & painful. Change is not easy. But it is necessary for progress & growth.

Trainers are the facilitators of change. They are the enablers of learning & transformation, in individuals who are willing to learn & grow. Their role is not just limited to imparting knowledge, they also help individuals find their hidden potential so they can become the best versions of themselves. They help their trainees shape their lives & careers.

At Skillseed, your trainer is not just dedicated & committed to their profession but they also love their work, they enjoy what they are doing & most importantly, they are passionate about helping people develop the right skills to make them more competent.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” -Oprah Winfrey

Your Trainer: Esha Manchanda

Esha is a certified Corporate Trainer & a Life Coach. By qualification she is an Engineer with a Bachelors of Engineering Degree in Computer Engineering from University of Pune.

She started her career as a Network Engineer. She worked with companies like Cisco & Orange. However, she was always more passionate about communicating & connecting with people, helping them improve their lives. This inner passion led her & motivated her to become a trainer, so she could bring meaningful change & leave a positive impact on people’s lives & careers.

As the lead trainer at Skillseed, she is here to help you achieve your goals. Leave us a message to connect with her.